In this post, we’ll discuss when e-invoicing became mandatory in Romania, the penalties for non-compliance, and the e-invoicing requirements in Romania. We’ll also explain the electronic invoicing process and offer tips to help your business adapt.…
Lorea Lastiri
Navigating E-Invoicing Regulations in Austria: A Guide for SMEs
E-invoicing offers many benefits, including a faster and more efficient invoicing process. However, for small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in Austria, adopting e-invoicing is not just about improving invoicing efficiency. It is essential for compliance as Austria has e-invoicing mandates.…
Mandatory E-Invoicing in Poland: Key Dates and Details
Electronic invoicing is mandatory in Poland. On August 7, 2023, the President of Poland signed the June 16, 2023 Act, amending the Polish VAT Act and several other laws.…
Transition to Mandatory B2B E-Invoicing in Belgium by 2026: A Guide
Belgium’s journey into mandatory electronic invoicing has been progressive. The country started with a regional adoption, making e-invoicing mandatory in B2G transactions in the Flanders and Brussels regions, before moving to a nationwide application.…
E-Invoicing in South Korea: Navigating Compliance and Regulations
A detailed understanding of and compliance with South Korea's complex invoicing regulations, such as those requiring electronic invoice issuance and real-time clearing systems, is essential for businesses operating within the country's dynamic invoicing market.…
What are the E-invoice Requirements in Brazil? (Explained!)
Brazil pioneered e-invoicing in Latin America, and issuing and receiving electronic invoices is compulsory. The country operates an advanced clearance electronic invoicing model, where suppliers must submit e-invoices to the tax authority to be cleared before issuing them to a client.…
E-Invoicing Compliance in the Netherlands (All You Need to Know)
Today, e-invoicing in the Netherlands is compulsory for B2G transactions and voluntary for B2B transactions. All government entities are connected to the PEPPOL network for e-invoicing, and further digitization of the Public Procurement sector is ongoing through an e-orders pilot via PEPPOL.…
E-Invoicing Requirements in Italy (Easy Checklist)
Since January 2019, all VAT-registered businesses have been mandated to issue and receive invoices electronically using Sistema di Interscambio (SdI), Italy's e-invoicing platform.…
The Rise and Role of the Digital Business Network Alliance
The Digital Business Network Alliance (DBNAlliance), a collaborative effort of the BPC and the Federal Reserve Financial Services, is a market-ready exchange framework based on technical standards and policies to allow businesses to exchange electronic invoices and supply chain documents safely.…
Understanding Electronic Invoicing in Malaysia
Malaysia will start enforcing mandatory electronic invoicing regulations in August 2024 for some select businesses based on their annual revenue. By 2027, the plan is for all companies to implement the new system.…