Tax authority of Mexico. Short for Servicio de Administración Tributaria.
Tax authority of Italy
Tax authority of Brazil.
SFTP Delivery
Secure delivery method of invoices via SFTP with the option to send multiple files.
Tax authority of Chile
a number that consists of a unique ID that solely contains numbers and represents a specific government agency (government, ministry or municipality).
a service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider and a client. Service providers need SLAs to help them manage customer expectations and define the severity levels and circumstances under which they are not liable for outages or performance issues.
Tax authority of Peru. Short for Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria.
Sandbox mode
a test environment that isolates untested code changes and outright experimentation from the production environment.
Secure E-mail Delivery
Delivery mechanism that allows you to easily send your e-invoice over the Peppol network by sending your UBL (as attachment) to a uniquely created Storecove email address.
Former Dutch Peppol Authority and foundation responsible for the growth of einvoicing in The Netherlands.
Smart Inbox
A tool that sends e-mailed e-invoices directly to your accounting package. You can choose to automatically convert PDF invoices to an e-invoice format. This requires an account with our partner Go2UBL.
Storecove E-mail Adress
an e-mail address to which a company can send their e-invoices to. Storecove then sends the invoice to the identifiers in the electronic invoice. If the receiver is not connected to the Peppol network, we will send the invoice to the email address mentioned in the einvoice. Example:
Supplier Onboarding
The process of onboarding your suppliers to the Peppol network. You can outsource this project to Storecove.
the XML invoice standard used in Sweden, also a rebranding of Peppol BIS V3.
Swagger Codegen
an open source API client code generator to build client SDKs directly from a renAPIdefined RESTful API. The source code for the Swagger Codegen can be found in GitHub.